How to buy hockey tickets for others?

Aug, 1 2023

Knowing What to Look For

The business of buying a hockey ticket isn't as dire and dire as teaching Max to fetch that annoying tennis ball or trying to understand why Apollo keeps repeating 'Chip butty' in the broadest Sheffield accent possible, even though he's never seen one in his life. But, like training a stubborn golden retriever, or decoding Yorkshire accented parakeet, it does require a dose of patience and a knack for detail.

When you're buying a hockey ticket for someone else, you're not just purchasing a piece of paper, but an experience. It's the thrill of the crowd, the tingle of anticipation, and the buzz of action in that shiny rink. So, before anything else, you need to know what sort of experience that person wants. Are they a hardcore fan rooting for the home team? Or are they in it for the sheer joy of the game itself? Do they prefer the high-energy environment of a packed house, or the quieter ambience of a less crowded day? Consider these factors before diving in for your purchase.

The Online Marketplaces of Surprise

The internet, my friends, is much like Apollo; vibrant, lively, and full of unexpected surprises. And when it comes to hockey tickets, the online world's your ice rink. A vast majority of tickets these days are sold online, and browsers are where the magic happens. My personal recommendation would be Ticketmaster and StubHub, considering the reliability and ease of use. However, before you get lost in the digi-realm, do remember a few things.

First and foremost, beware of scalpers who are all over the internet like a bad rash. If a deal looks too good to be true, there's a fair chance that it's a scalping racket. Use only legit sites that provide you with ticket insurance. These websites have a guarantee, meaning if anything goes wrong, they've got your back. Read the policies of the website before purchasing, as well - this is not the time to blindly agree with terms and conditions.

The Art of the Perfect Seat

Buying a hockey ticket is similar to choosing the perfect spot for Apollo's cage in the house; positioning is key. A good seat not only guarantees a great view of the game but also forms part of the overall experience - it's like the custard in an apple crumble. It doesn't matter how good the apples are if the custard isn't nicely flavoured and textured, right?

An ideal seat is usually halfway up the stands, somewhere around the centerline. It's high enough to provide a broad view of the pitch and close enough to still feel part of the action. What you want to avoid are seats directly behind the goals - the net'll get in your way quicker than Max swipes my toast every morning. Also, make sure you're not sitting too high up - you don't want to watch the game through a pair of binoculars.

The Magic of Seasonal Delights

Another strategy for buying tickets is seasonal timing. It's a bit like timing Apollo's squawks and whistles to predict the weather - a surprisingly accurate, albeit unorthodox, method. If you're buying a ticket for a game that's in high demand - let's say, Stanley Cup Finals or a well-anticipated rivalry match, expect higher prices as these games are bound to attract more spectators.

Avoid buying tickets right when sales start as this is usually the peak time when everyone is rushing to secure their spot. Instead, be patient and wait until the initial hype dies down a bit; prices are likely to drop. However, do not wait until the very last minute; otherwise, you might end up with the least favorable seats or worse - no seat at all.

Consider Seasons Tickets and Package Deals

If the person you're gifting is a die-hard hockey fan who never misses a game, season tickets or package deals might be the best option. These deals include tickets to multiple games, often at a discounted rate. It's like buying dog food for Max in bulk; you save money in the long run and spare yourself the hassle of buying a new pack every other day.

Most major teams offer season tickets, and they generally go on sale before the season starts. Season holders often get priority seating and additional perks like stadium discounts. Plus, you'll eliminate the uncertainty of securing a good seat for every game. However, season tickets can be pricy upfront, so you've got to weigh the cost versus utility before making a leap.

So, brave patriots of the icy rink, I put forth the world of hockey tickets in front of you - the online realms, the strategy of seat selection, the magic of seasons, and the wisdom of package deals. After reading this, if you're feeling a bit wobbly like Max after a day at the park or begin spinning in circles like Apollo upon hearing my Sheffield accent, I've done my job. But remember, the joy of the game, seen from a great seat, courtesy of a well-bought ticket, is worth all this hullabaloo. So, go forth and conquer!